Game On! is a fun, recreation program designed for boys who want to participate in fun-filled physical activities, games, art projects and interesting discussions. This is an excellent chance for boys to hang out with friends, meet new ones, and learn about healthy living in a fun, interactive and supportive environment. They will also spend time with great leaders and mentors who are dedicated to making the program amazing!

The main goal of the Game On! program is to develop an appreciation of the benefits of an active, healthy, lifestyle.

In addition, the program strives to achieve the following key objectives:

  • To support boys and young men in choosing to maintain a healthy active lifestyle;
  • To provide boys and young men with the tools and information they need to choose to lead and maintain a healthy lifestyle;
  • To enhance competence, confidence and self-esteem of boys and young men regarding healthy active living; and
  • To build the leadership and life skills of all program participants.

How can it be done online?
Fortunately, we live in a time where almost anything is possible using modern technology! Instead of meeting the mentors in person, they will use online text chat/video chat to stay connected as a group during the week using the Microsoft Teams conferencing application.

The students accepted into the Online Game On will be added to a ‘Game On Group’ on Microsoft Teams! Within this group there will be weekly scheduled Microsoft Teams video calls that the mentors will facilitate, and the boys can participate in by chatting, using the device’s microphone or video if they feel comfortable. The boys will be able to chat to their mentors and other students throughout the week. The mentors will provide conversation starters, challenges, and check-ins to keep this conversation going and positive! To provide the best environment for everyone to video chat/text chat with equally, our group sizes will only include 6-8 participants per online group.

What will they be doing online?
The groups will be focusing on reducing stress and anxiety around COVID-19 exploring new hobbies, favorite meals, video games, leading live yoga sessions/at-home work-outs, sharing daily hygiene tips and skincare routines, discussing online safety & social media usage + more—all from the safety of their homes! All conversations will be monitored and kept on topic by a BBBSWL staff member.

Online Game On! Application

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please confirm the email address provided is correct as this will be our main point of contact with you.
  • For virtual meeting purposes (ie. the email used to access Microsoft Teams calls).
  • If Applicable
    By clicking ‘I accept’ you are giving permission to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake to make available their service to my child. It is my understanding that the intention of the Agency is to offer my child an opportunity to participate in a group program lead by a responsible adult, (minimum 18 years old, however, where appropriate supervision takes place, the volunteer may be younger), I understand that all efforts will be made to select a responsible Mentor who will facilitate the group program. In consideration for this service and other valuable consideration provided to my child by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake, I release the agency of all responsibilities and liabilities in connection to their services provided in good faith, to myself or my child. I permit the agency to release any relevant information, including my personal information, to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada and their insurers, as may be appropriate in connection with any legal proceeding, inquiry or risk thereof. I understand that the collection of personal information about me or my child will be held in strict confidence and is to be used solely for the purposes of administering the program. I further agree that information about my child may be shared, at the discretion of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake, with the group facilitator so that my child’s needs may be best met. I understand that this application is the property of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake. I also agree that my child will participate in the Pre- Match Training Program administered by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake. By clicking ‘I accept’ you the parent/guardian give permission for your child to participate in one or more group programs offered by Big Brothers Big Sisters Williams Lake. I am aware of and understand the risks, dangers and hazards associated with the above service and agree such service is suitable for my child.
    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be offering GAme On over the Microsoft Teams platform which your son will join in video chat conversations (if they are comfortable) once a week and will participate in the ‘chat room’. By clicking 'I agree’, you are indicating your consent for your child to engage in the Online Game On Program which will have virtual contact through Microsoft Teams with up to 6 other students, 2 volunteer mentors and monitored by a Mentoring Coordinator with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Williams Lake. As the parent/guardian, I understand: That the Mentoring Coordinator is able to monitor the Game On Group chat group and video chats that take place within the group. Any contact that takes place through Microsoft Teams outside of the group chat cannot be monitored by the Mentoring Coordinator. As the parent/guardian, this platform will need to be monitored at your discretion. That a Mentoring Coordinator will email the Meeting ID & Password for the weekly video chats through email the day before. Using a password to enter this meeting will minimize the risk that the meeting could be interfered with by an external party. As the parent/guardian, I agree to: Provide supervision and support, and to check in with my child following the weekly group meeting and throughout the 8 weeks to see how the group is going. Contact BBBSWL if extra support is needed to navigate this platform for my child and will immediately connect with BBBSWL staff if I have safety concerns. do my best to support my child to attend the weekly meetings. By clicking ‘I agree’ you agree to all the conditions and terms stated above.
    Any photographs or video productions taken of children or youth by agency staff during the program or otherwise authorized by the Executive Director or Board of Directors, may be used by the agency for the purposes of promotional material and agency awareness. Photographs or video productions may also be shared with the community and school partners for program promotion. My child’s FIRST name only, general personal circumstances, and general information about their program involvement may be included.